Spraakapraxie: reviews
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Effect muziekbehandeling taal- en spraakstoornissen
- Hurkmans, J., de Bruijn, M., Boonstra, A., Jonkers, R., Bastiaanse, R., Arendzen, H., & Reinders-Messelink, H. (2010). Effect muziekbehandeling taal- en spraakstoornissen; een systematische review. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 17(1), 28–44.
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Review intervention research for apraxia of speech 2004-2012
- Ballard, K. J., Wambaugh, J. L., et al. (2015). Treatment for acquired apraxia of speech: a systematic review of intervention research between 2004 and 2012. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24(2), 316-337.
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Sound production treatment review
- Bailey, D. J., Eatchel, K., et al. (2015). Sound Production Treatment: synthesis and quantification of outcomes. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24(4), S798-S814.
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Melodic Intonation Therapy review
- Van der Meulen, I., van de Sandt-Koenderman, M.E., & Ribbers, G.M. (2012). Melodic Intonation Therapy: present controversies and future opportunities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil , 93(1 Suppl 1):S46-52.
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Principles of motor learning: review on retention and transfer
- Bislick, L. P., Weir, P. C., et al. (2012). Do principles of motor learning enhance retention and transfer of speech skills? A systematic review. Aphasiology, 26(5), 709-728.
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Cochrane review treatment of apraxia of speech after stroke
- West, C., Hesketh, A., Vail, A., & Bowen, A. (2005). Interventions for apraxia of speech following stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4. Art. No.: CD004298.
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